I Made Random Content. Most of them are bad jokes

Age 19


Joined on 6/17/21

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Mic285's News

Posted by Mic285 - August 29th, 2024

New Animation has been posted check it here :

Posted by Mic285 - May 10th, 2024

Some of the image of my new animation, hopefully it will come out before End of May

Fun fact : I forgot to post this thing about one month because of midterm exam




Posted by Mic285 - March 27th, 2024

I forgot to announce on my blog that i have already posted a comic a week ago, i just A BIT BUSY playing Persona 4 Golden, on my friends laptop

The post : https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/mic285/ball-stuck

Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=27294208


Posted by Mic285 - January 1st, 2024

Here's the part 1 : https://mic285.newgrounds.com/news/post/1412052

Okay so let's continue where i let of


This year i only made one, that i.... didn't proud of the pacing was too fast and the jokes are not very funny, also i hate the soundtrack i used for, to clarify i didn't hate any of these song that i used, i choose them because they are song from my favorite games, but the usage of it is not well executed imo, also after making that animation i immediatly make a new animation but after finishing the half of the Rough animation i stopped because in that animation it features 4 character while all my animation is only have 1-2 people in it , and it overwhelms me. so i will probably animate 1-2 people in the future


This year i only made 2, Crossing world EP.5 and a Touhou comic, and for Crossing World IT GOT CANCELLED, i'm not even sugarcoat it, the series is stopped because i feel it hinders me from making me create more stuff, before i only have few ideas so i don't mind making but as times goes on the idea i want make are more and more increasing than before, but making Crossing world usually takes 1-2 months to make and i feel can't create more because of it and also because of the i have a hard time developing the story, i have the rough worldbuilding but i have a hard time building the story based around it and make it interesting and this is the moment i realize maybe i just need to make some short video or a oneshot story first.

Now in for the next year i hope i can create more since i already have some ideas that i want to make and right now i have an holiday break currently, maybe the output is more or maybe it's less , only time and effort can tell


Posted by Mic285 - December 31st, 2023

Okay time for the yearly recap/introspect what have i made and this year... ehhhh, not so much i onlu 6 art, 2 comics and 1 Cartoon, compare to last year 17 art, 6 comics and 3 cartoon. YIKES THAT A BIG DIFFERENCE. I can explain how it got so low this year, there are 2 reason : High school long break and College. Okay so during my high school long break (4 months), you might the i will post more often because of it, BUT INSTEAD i got adddicted and played a lot of games and farm for achievement like Meat Boy Golden god, Isaac 1001%, Celeste Farewell, etc, that's definetely a bozo for me, i played grind the shit out of it and played nonstop, here's a screen shot of my 2 weeks hours playtime on steam during tha monthiu_1138281_9444239.webp

Yeah pretty bad, in fact this is not the worst, the worst is at "110 hours past 2 weeks"

You might think that i will regret spending those hours playing instead but NOPE, instead i GLAD playing during those time because i lost interest at playing at college, speaking of it let's talk about that.

Ah College, one of the most hardest time for many people life because this is the moment where you start become a responsible human being, probably. Since i had to move from my homeland i need time to adapt to the surrounding and even then you still need to count the assignment, i mean for the first semester is not a lot, but it's painful, VERY VERY PAINFUL, here's why so i take Major in Computer science and in my college they have an weekly progamming question on their site, and here's the problem the judgment sucks ass, here the thing, if i my code is partially right like 30 or 50, that means the answer is right but not efficient, the problem is I DON'T KNOW HOW TO IMPROVE IT, they didn't tell you a single thing on how to improve your code, so in the end, i have to smash the rock against the wall and hope it gets right, and also i start got addicted to arcade games but ignore that part (i don't know how to make a strikethrough on NG but pretend i make a strike through on it)

Anyways that's the 2 reason i haven't upload a lot lately, now let's review of category of work i published

Games and Music

None, i literally haven't make a single thing on that, i promised to my self to make a game at least one this year but i make none so buwap wap, although i work as the artist on my friend's game project, don't you get your hopes up it just a demo for our game club, but i'm tried to cook as hard as i can


6 art, there's nothing to talked about except for the EBF art series, originally i wanted to make it 4 at once but i can't do it so instead i'm gonna make it art series one at a time and also i have planned to make Isaac art series not all 34 characters i'm gonna draw but i want to draw some of it that i want to make. writing this makes me thing my "cringy" aura are unleash and honestly i blame maimai for it, that game literally embrace you cringy weeb side. also i think this is probably i got my artstyle now

I'm already half tired writing this, so i'm gonna make a part 2 tommorow, now i remember why last year is also a two part recap/introspection


Posted by Mic285 - October 25th, 2023

Hey, i made a new shitpost video, you can watch it here :


Hope you guys entertain by it



Posted by Mic285 - October 9th, 2023

After a fucking few months this episode is now release you can see it here.


Posted by Mic285 - September 25th, 2023

Hey, the early accsess of the new episode of Crossing World are now on Patreon, It will be published publicly and get the psd file on patreon 2 weeks later

Here's the link if you want to :




Posted by Mic285 - June 30th, 2023




Here are some sketches on this episode, i don't know when will be come out cause there's also another animation project on work, btw the pages are page 2, 5, and 7


Posted by Mic285 - May 21st, 2023

Hey, everyone is just realize that i'm A HUGE IDIOT, I FORGOT TO PUT THE REST OF THE PAGE, the comic actually is 3 pages but i forgot upload the rest of it so i updated it and please to read the comic again here's the link

That it's. ok bye