I Made Random Content. Most of them are bad jokes

Age 19


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Review My work from this year (Part 1)

Posted by Mic285 - December 31st, 2022

I just thought it will be fun to evaluate my work from this year, i kinda want to make this a yearly thing, i gonna review by work category rather than month category

Also, Happy New Year Everyone.


So far there only four and they are all short, Circle is just a shitpost that i made when i watch Graeme (2 Left Thumbs) Cartoon about Circle n' Circle. Next. AgnryFaic is Agnry, I kinda forgot the original title maybe it was NG Angry emote or something, goddamnit i forgot it already and i changed about 3 WEEKS AGO. This originally have a very shitty Lipsync and i questioning myself "How the hell I look it and say "Yeah good enough"" So i update it sneakily, i just don't like making a news for that minor changes alright.

And lastly Big Hoss in A fight, and Sketch collab 2022. Both of them have interesting story while i making on it.

Let's start with Big Hoss first, it was for BBRT Animation Jam, the first time i was making it on flash because i just recently download it and maybe it was ok to make it on flash. Oh boy how wrong i was, I ended up suffering about a 4 days because I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING when i use it, eventually i moved back to Blender and it only have 2 weeks left to finish it so like any person would do i ended up have sleep deprivation not BY SLEEPING TOO LATE BUT BY WAKING UP TOO EARLY, Plus I have school and Lion Dance club after that, so i begin animating everytime i had the chance to do it. Eventually I managed to finished it andddd.... DIDN'T WON as i expected because i have join few art contest before and never won every single of it granted i only join about 3 contest but still it counts. Now on to the second story.

Sketch Collab was made in October alongside with CW EP 1 Remake and Nihil Halloween art. Now that by it self sounds like tiring BUT WAIT, IT GOT WORSE. I was Sick from October 21th to 24th, yes sadly it's on weekend and Monday (Yay), i kinda feel awful at that time but i want to finish quickly so i can focused again on Crossing World Since it already behind the schedule from my target releases. I told to get a rest but i want to do it, sooo.. i do it sneakily and i got finished on time. Okay Next to Comics


So comics i gonna split into 2, Old Comics and Crossing World, Old comics well it's old comics They are the compilation of me making comics from 2020-2021, i only make 12 during that period and all of them look shit and honestly i'm kinda happy with it since it shows my progress as an artist and writer with an exception on Don't Give A Shit Comic, i still laugh at the joke, good job past me. I kinda want the Old comics to be an animated and being re-writed but we'll see.

Now Crossing World, Crossing World is a intentional and unintentional webseries that i made, intentional because i want to make a story about 'Compatible Isekai' and unintentional because the first episode is 'improvised' i make as an one off joke before the series started and then labeled it as Episode, yeah pretty a bad start if you ask me. to be honest it's kinda surprising to see the improvement between Episode 2 and Episode 1 Remake. And from Episode 3 to 1 Remake have their own story. Episode 3 Lineart is done while i was sick, Episode 4 is done 2 days AFTER MY BIRTHDAY and Episode 1 Remake well yeah i have some, i have been sick 2 times, going out of city once, and got DELAYED TOO LONG, i started it in mid September hoping it would finished at mid October and it ended up published in mid November.

Okay i want to discuss on Art and Audio at Part 2 since this is already took too long to write this, maybe i will make it maybe not because their much smaller and don't have significance memory with me with Exception of Touhou 6 Day Fanart because it was uploaded while i was out of town for olympic training and make it 1 week before i leave.

Okay thanks for reading it, Byeee.....




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